Europe Feed

Looking at the language web in 2008, we see a surprisingly clear map of Europe and Asia. The language linkages invite explanations around geopolitics, linguistics, and historical associations. The outlines of the Iberian and Scandinavian Peninsulas are clearly visible, which suggest geographic rather than purely linguistic associations. Examining links between... Read more →

There's not much more to say about The Economist article other than it is funny and interesting to see how the Russian GDP is equivalent to the economy of Texas, or how the California GDP is equivalent to Italy's. Funny and good for a tweet or for a Facebook share,... Read more →

The global growth of Twitter is impressive, especially if we acknowledge the fact that the figures presented by ComScore in their press release only include web users visiting, and do *not* include users on clients and applications. Just for fun, you can check the latest tweets directly on a... Read more →

The top 20 countries on the Internet, and what the future might bring

Looking at the evolution of emerging markets like India, China, Brazil, Vietnam, the Philippines and Russia, and as the Internet penetration in these countries rise, the balance of power on the Internet will start to shift. In five to ten years, the order in the top 20 list will be... Read more →