Future Feed

Interesting approach to the impact of globalization on cultures around the world. As expected, the article does not really give an answer to the question if we will become one culture. I would add that even though we might all buy the same brands and use services provided by the... Read more →

Good overall description of what's happening today in the localization industry. New, lean and innovative technology companies like Cloudwords are disrupting an industry that was stagnant and dominated for a long time by slow-moving translation vendors. via www.cnbc.com ...The innovations are enabling corporations to enter markets and disrupt many sectors... Read more →

Looking at the language web in 2008, we see a surprisingly clear map of Europe and Asia. The language linkages invite explanations around geopolitics, linguistics, and historical associations. The outlines of the Iberian and Scandinavian Peninsulas are clearly visible, which suggest geographic rather than purely linguistic associations. Examining links between... Read more →

Cloudwords, a new start-up based in San Francisco, was launched officially yesterday. Backed by a selected group of investors, including Marc Benioff, Founder and CEO of Salesforce, the Cloudwords platform offers companies with translation needs the option to manage their translations online, and also to find new, competitive translation services... Read more →