Latin America Feed

This mashup of the maps of the Facebook digital connections and the NASA's World at night is very interesting - and it would be even more if it was possible to draw general conclusions. Unfortunately, it is not, with one very clear exception. First, since China is quickly becoming the... Read more →

Netflix yesterday announced they will be releasing their (stream-only) service in 43 countries of Center and South America, including Brazil, the biggest market in the region and one of the fastest growing economies in the world. As reported by one of the main newspapers in Brazil (article in Portuguese), Netflix... Read more →

The Copenhagen Summit started today. It is a too important date to ignore it in this blog, since Globalization, Internet, Entrepreneurship... everything would loose its meaning if nothing changes in the global warming trends. Below, we wanted to provide access to two of the most respected editorial opinions in the... Read more →

Although Google's Orkut still dominates the social networking scene in Brazil, Facebook is rapidly gaining ground, and will probably become the number one social network there during 2010. via Argentina and Mexico continue to lead the growth charts, gaining 637,000 and 772,000 new users during the last month, respectively.... Read more →