Localization Feed

The worst sites are usually not the truly local sites designed by local businesses or government agencies. Instead, the offenders often come from multinational corporations (small and large) that create country sites with horrible usability - and usually without a true understanding of the local market and users. via www.nngroup.com... Read more →

Good overall description of what's happening today in the localization industry. New, lean and innovative technology companies like Cloudwords are disrupting an industry that was stagnant and dominated for a long time by slow-moving translation vendors. via www.cnbc.com ...The innovations are enabling corporations to enter markets and disrupt many sectors... Read more →

In this article, written by a Chinese Journalist, the author points out some interesting thoughts about globalization and the current state of the Chinese (and other Emerging Countries) economy and demographics. The author ends calling out the fact that "People tend to follow mainstream ideology and ignore other factors". I... Read more →

Although every website is global from the moment it goes live, few are designed with the world in mind. That is, they don’t take into account the many modifications that must be made to accommodate different languages, scripts, and geographic and cultural requirements. This article presents a number of best... Read more →