Translations Feed

Good overall description of what's happening today in the localization industry. New, lean and innovative technology companies like Cloudwords are disrupting an industry that was stagnant and dominated for a long time by slow-moving translation vendors. via ...The innovations are enabling corporations to enter markets and disrupt many sectors... Read more →

Cloudwords, a new start-up based in San Francisco, was launched officially yesterday. Backed by a selected group of investors, including Marc Benioff, Founder and CEO of Salesforce, the Cloudwords platform offers companies with translation needs the option to manage their translations online, and also to find new, competitive translation services... Read more →

Given the "search results" affair unveiled this week between Bing and Google, one wonders if Google will claim that Microsoft is copying their plans to dominate the world through free, cloud apps... Starting today, people in over 150 more countries can use the Web Apps to view, edit, and share... Read more →

It is undeniable that there are some good reasons to use machine translation, and to trust (hope) that they will be good enough for publishing your contents live. In the case of the Wikipedia, I guess you can assume the risk and the cost of having sub-optimal, non-professional translations in... Read more →