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Ijaz Nabi, the author of the article published at the Brookings Institution website, brings up a very interesting and important point: how Asian governments (with the exception of Japan's) previously not really interested in the development of their people, realized that investing in education and health was the only way... Read more →

This mashup of the maps of the Facebook digital connections and the NASA's World at night is very interesting - and it would be even more if it was possible to draw general conclusions. Unfortunately, it is not, with one very clear exception. First, since China is quickly becoming the... Read more →

The top 20 countries on the Internet, and what the future might bring

Looking at the evolution of emerging markets like India, China, Brazil, Vietnam, the Philippines and Russia, and as the Internet penetration in these countries rise, the balance of power on the Internet will start to shift. In five to ten years, the order in the top 20 list will be... Read more →

Interesting research about what kind of activities Internet users have around the world. It is remarkable how the level of maturity of a market (measured in terms of Internet penetration) might explain what activities users perform. For example, while in mature markets like the US, Canada and the UK, blogging... Read more →